Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Psalm III

Breathe life into me. Broken bones cannot dance. Cracked lips cannot sing. A dying body cannot bow. It's all for your glory is it not? I ask that you awaken one who would glorify you. Under a layer of death there is life. Under layers of darkness... light. Can you see it inside? Can you see the righteousness inside the sin? The coals are lit. The embers are burning. Out of ash fan a mighty conflagration. The world will burn but in the light of its blaze I will see. I shall look upon the face that swallowed my death. But I am death. Have you consumed me? Surely you have not. For this skin is still rotting and this mind still discontent. I ask to be lost in the depths of your glory until there is nothing left of me. You make all things new. Let me die. Make me new. For who am I that I should attempt to deny the movement of the almighty? Is not everything light which comes from you? Is there anything in you but goodness? For what you have made good is good indeed, and what I have made evil you have made good once more.

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